Siddhi Vinayak Public School
Siddhi Vinayak Public School
Affiliated to CBSE Board & Recognised by Govt.of Odisha
At: Pachhotia, PO: Jujhesthipur, Saragan, Sunhat, Balasore, Odisha
  9337965586     9861618649     9438855656     8908338222     7064489000   
“Marching ahead with staunch principles to dispel illusion, ignorance, and promoting acquisition of knowledge and education among masses, Siddhi Vinayak Public School steps into its 11th year, serving students from Bal Vatika to Std. 12th of CBSE with dignity and pride.”


SIDDHI VINAYAK PUBLIC SCHOOL aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies. This lofty idea is accomplished by virtue of a dynamic curriculum that envisions not only academic excellence but a wholesome all-round development of the child, his character and personality, aesthetic refinements, effective skills and the art of living. We have a great vision to imbibe into the youth the maxim that all hatred whether of class or race or the entire civilization and respect of anyone’s belief, the sole and ultimate solution of all social, economic, and political ill epitomized by him who said, “Thou shall love Thy neighbour as Thyself”, this then is the proud tradition that may be viewed as the aim of the education.


• To provide top-notch holistic education, with a broad, Participative and balanced curriculum.

• To facilitate a nurturing and safe environment that encourages lifelong learning and personal growth.

• To enable students to discover their talents & capabilities and achieve their true potential, so that they may reach the highest possible standard in everything they undertake.

• To encourage citizenship and responsibility and teach generosity of spirit, so that students become self-disciplined and learn to respect themselves, each other, and the world in general.

• To develop the entire humanity, mind & heart, body and soul for achieving greatness.

• To train the mind to analyse rather than to memorize Som that it may distinguish truth from error, to strengthen the will that it may have the strength and habit to practice value and reject vice, to cultivate the heart that it may love the worthwhile things.

• To inculcate into the youth of today the neglected doctrine that morality must govern all phases of life and that today’s ills cannot be cured by merely varying political structures and shifting economic system.

• To point out that every system needs a strong, fair, friendly & healthy administration and that selfishness, dishonesty and greed for power are social and moral evils, which may be eliminated by moral development only and not by legislation.

9337965586, 9861618649
At: Pachhotia, PO: Jujhesthipur, Saragan, Sunhat, Balasore, Odisha
Timing: 8:30AM to 4PM
Developed & Maintained By: Bluyee Technology